A very typical Scottish scene

There is a time for huge canvasses with big vistas and panoramic views of epic landscapes of the Scottish Highlands. And then there are times when I just long for a teeny tiny intimate canvass with a quaint scene that has the sole purpose of warming my heart!

Today was one of those moments. This is why, when I saw Karen Daly’s photography of sheep trundling along in front of a beautiful loch, I instantly fell in love.

It was just the perfect composition of a scene that is both absolutely unique because of her genius timing and utterly typical at the same time.

Anyone who has already travelled to Scotland (and to the UK in general, for that matter) will know that livestock are just part of its iconic landscape which, frankly, just wouldn’t feel the same without its woolly inhabitants!

And thus, I absolutely had to paint this magical, utterly typical Scottish scene! I chose a small 20x20cm padded canvass to accentuate the cosy feel of the scene.

It’s not quite finished yet, but I’m getting there and I truly enjoyed the warm colours of the scene as well as playing around with the texture of the paint a little more than usual to give the wool a more realistic look.

I hope you enjoyed this little peek behind the curtains as I show you what is going on the studio and present some of the work in progress before putting the paintings up for sale on my online gallery!


Edinburgh Gouache


Plein air session at Hame on Skye